The key to a safer workplace isn't just in the tracking and reporting of accidents.
The key to a safer workplace isn't just in the tracking and reporting of accidents. You've got to start from the ground up, building a company-wide culture of safety that’s rooted in communication and focused on proper training, site-specific safety plans, daily safety measures and inspections. Focus on strategy, as well as statistics.
Skilled workers are the foundation of an effective construction site workplace strategy. All employees should be trained in the proper protocol for their specific responsibilities, including the four basic hazards of construction site work, equipment operation, and special considerations for the most dangerous job sites, like confined spaces.
Analyze potential site safety hazards before construction begins, and write a site-specific safety plan that designates on-site safety representatives, lists 24-hour emergency contacts, and outlines accident and inspection procedures.
Maintain an up-to-date program of daily safety measures tailored to specific construction sites, including requirements for safety gear, so workers know exactly what's expected of them in the quest for zero accidents.
Appoint supervisors who are responsible for safety training, compliance monitoring and identifying potential safety breakdowns before they lead to an accident.
Establish goals for observing and reporting near-misses rather than just logging accidents as they help raise awareness about how workers can improve.
Learn more about safety training courses available online, in-class and at your job site at